Tag: literature

  • Ask the Greeks: Love Hurts

    Ask the Greeks: Love Hurts

    Perhaps the most famous aspect of the Ancient Greek view of love is that it is personified by a goddess: Aphrodite. To be sure, Aphrodite’s enduring appeal has much to do with the fact that love is an important part of human existence. It seems fitting that a divinely beautiful goddess should remain, across the…

  • The School of Life : Humanities Graduates in the New Economy

    The School of Life : Humanities Graduates in the New Economy

    On the tail of my recent post delving into the nature and value of the humanities, this quick addendum. It’s inspired by this short video from The School of Life, which examines the sense of exile felt by lovers of the humanities stuck in a capitalist economy.     What the video clarifies for me: According…

  • Practicing the Humanities – Amanda Anderson

    Practicing the Humanities – Amanda Anderson

    If you’ve ever taken to the serious pursuit of the humanities (literature, philosophy, history or any of their classic buddies), you’ve no doubt been reminded as I have, on countless social occasions, of the noble yet useless tenor of such passions. Still in hot pursuit of classical letters, I’ve begun to take note, of late,…