About Me

Salve! My name is Gilles – or Aegidius, in Latin!

As an educator, humanities scholar, game designer and a longtime musician, I’ve forged a unique skill-set that synthesizes the traditions of arts and letters, the social sciences and new media.

Born in the Canadian prairies, I’ve been living in Québec, Canada since 1999. I’m a former educational designer at the National Film Board of Canada, and hold a bachelor’s degree in classical philology from Concordia University. I completed my MA a the Université de Montréal, specializing in 18th-century colonial economics. As a graduate of the 2012-2013 Interactive Media Program of the Institut National de l’Image et du Son, and a regular contributor on the blog Play the Past, I’ve also developed unique insights from playing and creating with interactive media.

Currently, I’m an elementary and middle school English teacher at École Imagine, a Waldorf school located in the Laurentides, in Québec. You can view my professional profile on LinkedIn, and follow my news feed on X @gillesroy.