Assassin’s Creed (video game) – Critical Compilation
Date: Nov. 2018 – June 2019
- How to analyze the role played by history and public memory in video games?
- Provide a synthesis of the critical literature pertaining to two blockbuster video games, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed II (2009) and Assassin’s Creed III (2012), set during the historical periods of the Italian Renaissance and the American Revolution, respectively.
Concepts and Methods:
- Research: Categorize source by type: industry media, game studies blogs, academic journals, etc. Research the web and academic journals for relevant source materials.
- Curation: Organize and tag sources by type, and write article extracts. Retrieve relevant pull quotes, write high-level summaries and keyword tag each entry into a database.
- Writing: produce critical synthesis of sources through expository text. Presentation of critical discussion thematically grouped into article sections, for ease of access and sequential presentation. Buttress expository prose with pull quotes from sources in article body. Link to all references: web, .pdf articles, video, etc.
- Assassin’s Creed II Critical Compilation published on Critical Distance on March 7, 2019.
- Assassin’s Creed III Critical Compilation published on Critical Distance on June 19, 2019.

Wavemakers (feature-length documentary film) : writing of promotional texts
Client: Productions artifact (Montreal, Quebec) [archived link]
Date: Winter 2012
Writing of promotional texts and revision of subtitles for a feature-length documentary, marketed to music lovers.
Concepts and Methods:
- Research: Viewing and analysis of the feature documentary prior to “picture lock”. Discussions with the director and the producer to determine the goals and targets of the promotional texts, and the marketing strategy of the film. Reading and analysis of promotional texts of comparable projects. Creation of a reference glossary.
- Writing and Editing: Writing drafts of the main presentation article for the film’s press kit. Collaboration with the director and the producer for revisions of the presentation article. Writing successive drafts of the film index, catalog text, and DVD sleeve. Review of short promotional texts with the director and the producer. Revision of the documentary subtitles after “picture lock”.
- Co-authoring of a presentation article for the media.
- Co-authoring of short promotional texts of film index, catalog, and DVD cover, with keywords for search engine indexing.
- Revision of subtitling texts for the English version of the documentary.
N.B. Except for film index text below, sample marketing materials available only in French.